5 High Protein Foods That Are Easy for Seniors to Eat

Home Care in Faith NC One of the challenges of taking care of a senior parent is making sure that they are eating enough. Malnutrition is a common problem in seniors because even if seniors are eating each day they may not be eating enough of the vitamins and nutrients they need to be healthy, like protein.

Very often seniors don’t get enough protein because foods that are good sources of protein are usually meats. Your senior mom or dad may not want to cook meat just for themselves, so they skip it. Then they don’t get the protein they need to keep their muscles strong.

Protein shakes and bars are good supplements for seniors to help them get extra protein, but eating foods with protein is the best way for seniors to get protein. If your senior mom or dad doesn’t like to cook or has trouble cooking, home care can help.

A home care provider can cook bacon, burgers, chicken, and other meats that your senior parent will enjoy. And they can prepare meals ahead of time so that your mom or dad can heat up protein-rich meals anytime they want.

To make sure that your mom or dad is getting enough protein keep these five foods in the house and encourage your senior parent to eat them:

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a fantastic source of protein and it’s very easy for seniors to digest. Cottage cheese is inexpensive, easy to find, and can be eaten in many ways. It can be a snack, breakfast, lunch, or dessert depending on how it’s made. And one cup of cottage cheese has a whopping 25 grams of protein- that’s more protein than a regular-size hamburger. Cottage cheese is low in calories and high in protein, and it’s very easy to eat and digest, which means it should be a staple food for your mom or dad.


The most recommended fish for seniors is salmon and tuna. Both types of fish are very high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help protect brain health. Fish is a great source of lean protein and has about 22 grams of protein in each three-ounce serving. Tuna is very versatile and can be served in lots of different ways. A tuna salad sandwich for lunch or a snack is a great way for seniors to get more protein.

Greek Yogurt

If your senior parent likes yogurt swap out their regular yogurt for Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt has more flavor than regular yogurt and it has more protein. A 6-ounce service of Green yogurt, which is the normal size that you can buy at the store, has almost 20 grams of protein. It also has probiotics that can improve gut health. Greek yogurt is a great snack for seniors. Freeze it for a cold summer treat!


Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods seniors can eat. They can be prepared in dozens of ways so your mom or dad won’t get sick of them. They’re easily available, keep for a long time, and are so soft even seniors who have no teeth can eat them.

One large egg has about 6 grams of protein, so a typical 2-3 egg breakfast could have almost 20 grams of protein. Egg salad is a wonderful way for seniors to get healthy fats and protein. And eggs are very easy to cook. Make sure your mom or dad always has plenty of eggs in the refrigerator.

Beans, Lentils, Chickpeas

If your mom or dad is a vegetarian they can get a lot of healthy protein from beans, lentils, and chickpeas. These legumes have fiber and essential vitamins and minerals as well as protein. A single cup of cooked lentils has 18 grams of protein.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care in Faith, NC, contact the caring professionals at TenderHearted Home Care today. Call us at (704) 612-4132
TenderHearted Home Care, LLC
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