Does Your Mom Need Home Care Assistance?

Home Care Assistance in Mooresville NC If your mom is living alone and you’re worried about her, home care assistance may be exactly what she needs. Home care assistance will give your mom the extra help she needs to thrive at home. And it will give you the peace of mind of knowing that your mom isn’t home alone struggling with everyday tasks.

Home care assistance for seniors is support that is designed to help seniors continue to live independently in their own homes. Home care assistance is a set of services that are tailored to meet each senior’s individual needs. As your mom’s support needs change the services that home care assistance provides will change too. Home care assistance can help your mom with things like:

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

If your mom needs some help with things like organizing the house, getting dressed, going through the mail, paying bills, getting birthday cards and other items, and other household tasks a home care provider can help her so that she doesn’t get overwhelmed by the challenges of maintaining a household.

Light Housekeeping

Housekeeping tasks often are very challenging for seniors as they get older. Your mom may still need a cleaning service for things like deep cleaning the bathroom or kitchen, but home care providers can help with light housework. This includes tasks like cleaning, laundry, preparing meals, and doing the dishes.

Shopping And Errands

A home care provider can do the driving that your mom can’t do anymore. Grocery shopping, going to the post office or the bank, stopping to pick up prescriptions, and other errands can be done by a home care provider if they are difficult for your mom to do.

Most seniors find it tough to get in and out of the car, walk through multiple stores, and get through the physical challenges of running errands. With home care assistance your mom can stay safe at home and a care provider will take care of the running around.


When your mom needs to go to a medical appointment, dentist appointment, vision or hearing screening, or any other type of appointment a care provider can drive her and stay with her during the appointment. That can free you from having to take time off work to take your mom to appointments. And you and your mom will have the peace of mind of knowing she won’t have to go to appointments alone.

Medication Reminders

Most seniors take at least five different medications. And some take double that amount. Keeping track of various medications and supplements can be very difficult for seniors. A home care provider can remind your mom when to take her medications. And they can make sure she’s taking them the right way and in the right dose.

Home care assistance can help prevent medication overdoses and skipped doses of medications that your mom needs. And if there is a problem with her medications a home care provider can call the doctor to get the problem fixed.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Assistance in Mooresville, NC, contact the caring professionals at TenderHearted Home Care today. Call us at (704) 612-4132
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