How can Family Members Help an Older Adult with Cancer?

Home Care in Rockwell, NC A cancer diagnosis can have profound repercussions for all involved parties – not only the patient but also their loved ones and home care services. Older adults living with cancer may face unique difficulties such as physical limitations and energy depletion that make daily tasks difficult to complete and managing their illness more challenging; with proper support from loved ones, family members can help ease through diagnosis, treatment, and management by offering much-needed emotional and practical assistance. Here are a few strategies family members can employ when caring for older adults with cancer at home:

Provide Emotional Support

A cancer diagnosis can be emotionally devastating; your loved ones must receive emotional support during this trying time. Encourage them to express their feelings freely and listen when needed – be sure they know they don’t have to face this alone!

Help with Daily Activities

Cancer treatments can leave older adults exhausted and physically limited, making it hard for them to complete daily activities such as cooking, cleaning, and running errands without assistance from friends or family. Family can assist by helping or hiring outside help, such as home care professionals.

Assist with Medical Appointments

Older adults coping with cancer may have multiple medical appointments that are difficult to attend on their own, requiring assistance from family members regarding transportation, taking notes during appointments, and advocating for their needs.

Monitor Medications

Cancer treatments involve taking multiple medications simultaneously. Family members must assist their loved ones by monitoring all medications taken, reminding them when they are due, and watching for any side effects or potential risks.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Cancer treatment can make maintaining a healthy lifestyle challenging, yet older adults must prioritize eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and engaging in physical activity regularly. Family members can support healthy behaviors by creating nutritious meals together or providing snacks and encouraging their loved ones to be active.

Professional Caregivers are Essential in Home Care

While family can provide much-needed support for an older adult living with cancer, caregivers alone often don’t have enough support or time to devote to this task. Therefore, hiring home care could prove immensely helpful when providing home care assistance.

Professional caregivers are skilled professionals trained to provide comprehensive support for older adults with cancer. They can assist with daily activities, provide emotional comfort, ensure medications are taken as prescribed, and monitor any changes in condition that might require action from family and healthcare providers.

Professional caregivers offer more than practical support to family members: they also offer much-needed respite. Caring for an older adult with cancer is often emotionally and physically exhausting, making it essential to take a break and prioritize one’s well-being. Professional caregivers offer temporary relief and support, so family members can recharge their health while remaining in the caregiving team.

Caregiving for an older adult with cancer can be challenging and emotionally taxing. Yet, family members can provide their loved one with the care and assistance needed to manage their illness and maintain quality of life. From emotional support and assistance with daily activities to professional caregivers, elder care must be prioritized to ensure your loved one receives optimal treatment and support.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care in Rockwell, NC, contact the caring professionals at TenderHearted Home Care today. Call us at (704) 612-4132