Three Tips to Help Your Senior Have a Good Night

Getting solid sleep is something that a lot of older adult’s struggle with from time to time. If that’s become a regular nightly problem for your senior, though, you may need to look deeper into what’s happening. A side benefit of helping your elderly family member to get better sleep is that you might worry less about her and start sleeping better, too.

Choose Activities and Topics Carefully

Elderly Care Rockwell, NC: Resting Well and Seniors

Part of having a good night’s sleep involves preparing for it. That means winding down from the day and easing into a mindset that supports sleep. So, if your senior is having conversations or engaging in activities that are diametrically opposed to that plan, she’s going to have a more difficult time getting to sleep. Reading is a common activity before bed, but if your senior is reading something that fires her up, that’s no good for the goal. Reading something that relaxes her is more to the point. The same goes for conversational topics. If you have something important to discuss or to decide, put it off if it’s at all possible.

Get Some Daily Routines Going
Bedtime routines are important, and your senior definitely needs them, but they’re only a part of the puzzle. Your senior needs solid routines all day long that support her bedtime routine. Waking up, eating, exercising, and all the other activities that she does help her to be active during the day and ready to rest by the time evening rolls around. Elderly care providers can help you and your senior to develop routines that work for her. They can also help your senior to stick to those routines on a regular basis so that they do her the most good.

Try out Some Relaxation Techniques
Winding down and relaxing before bed is all well and good, but your senior might find it difficult to do. That’s where relaxation techniques can come in. Deep breathing, meditation, and even gentle yoga stretches can all be a part of your elderly family member’s relaxation routine. She might want to start with something easy like deep breathing and then gradually add in other activities as she opts to do so.

Resting well at night is important for your senior’s health and well-being, but it might not be as easy as you expect it to be. Following these tips can help. Your senior might need some time to get used to the changes that you’re making, so give her some leeway along the journey.


Excerpt: Having a good night can take some planning for your senior, especially if she hasn’t had well-defined routines.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Elderly Care in Rockwell, NC, contact the caring professionals at Tenderhearted Home Care today. Call us at (704) 207-0265.